Tuesday, March 25, 2008

~ Video encoding using Mencoder

mencoder in.dat -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=128 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200 -ofps 25 -of avi -o out.avi


Hari S R said...

hey anoop.. why dont u add a link to ultimate edition on ur blog, man ? it looks ultra cool ....ubuntu gutsy gibson with tons of applns http://ultimateedition.info/

Anoop C Jacob said...

actually, i had almost forgot abt this blog and it was u who reminded me such a thing existed =D

i don use Ubuntu anymore and dats da reason..

And regd UUE, don't u thing its bloated..
if u have a broadband connection, its always better to start with a minimal system and add packages acc to ur needs...

but UUE has lotsa un-wanted apps.... dats y i am nt interested..

anyways i will be refreshing this blog with lots of new info, soon, after the Hardy heron stable release...

tx =)